Meet our Governing Body
Name | Key Responsibility on Governing Body and designation
| Term of Office | Appointing Body | Relevant Business Interests | Details of any other educational establishments they govern | Relationships between governors and members of the school staff including spouses, partners and relatives |
Mrs Charlotte Walters | Vice Chair of Governors, Parent Governor
SEN Governor | Third Term Start:
| Parents of Orston Primary School | None | None | None |
Mrs Emma Allen | Co-opted Governor | Start: Third Term: | Orston Primary Governing Body | None | None | None |
Mrs Jenn Eatherington | Co-opted Governor | Start: 14.07.20 End: 13.07.24 | Orston Primary Governing Body | None | None | None |
Mrs Melanie Forrester | Co-opted Governor | Start: End:30.06.21 | Orston Primary Governing Body | None | None | None |
Jodie Wrench | Staff Governor | Start: 25.11. 20 End: 24.11.24 | Staff of Orston Primary School | None | None | None |
Mr Daniel Gooding | Local Authority Governor
H&S Governor link | Start:13.05.20 End 12.05.24 | Orston Primary Governing Body | None | None | None |
Ms Anna Thurston | Chair of Governors Safeguarding Governor Parent Governor | Parents of Orston Primary School | None | None | None | |
Mrs Astrid Moules | Co-opted Governor Pupil Premium & Sports Premium | Orston Primary Governing Body | None | None | None | |
Mr Adrian Hallam | Parent Governor | Parents of Orston Primary School | None | None | None | |
Mr Rob Gibson | Co-Opted Governor | Orston Primary Governing Body | None | None | None |
Attendance at Meetings
21/9/ – present – EA, CW, NC, JE and SG
Absent – DG, MF, AH and JW
24/11 – present – CW, DG, MF, NC, JE, AH, JW, AT (1st meeting)
Absent – EA, SG
19/1 – all present
23/3 – present – EA. CW, DG, MF, NC, JE, SG, JW, AT, AM (1st meeting)
Absent – AH
15/6 – present – EA, CW, MF, NC, JW, AM
Absent – DG, JE, SG, AH, AT
19/7- All present
20/09-AT,CW,EA,JE,AH(1st Meeting),RG(1st Meeting)AM, NC
22/11-all present
17/01-Present AT,CW,MF,AM,AH,RG,JW, NC