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Year 3

Welcome to Year 3 - Webber Class!


Welcome to our class page, we are excited to share our learning journey with you!



The children in year three will receive weekly Handwriting homework and Spellings to learn. Both handwriting and spellings are given out each Friday with a spelling check taking place the following Friday. Each child will be given a paper copy every Friday.

Half-termly homework projects will also be set. Children will be given a list of research activities to choose from. Finished projects will be shared with the rest of the class as part of their History, Geography and Science learning. 

We expect the children to read regularly at home, reading diaries are checked each week to ensure that they are reading at least four times a week. The children should be reading banded books in school until they reach ‘free reader’ level.

We also expect the children to regularly practise Numbots and/or Timestable Rockstars to become quicker at their maths fluency. Log in details will be recorded in their reading diaries.



PE Days for Summer Term are Tuesdays and Thursdays. Children should come to school in their PE kit on these days. 


Please make sure that your child has their reading book and diary in school each day as well as a water bottle. Long hair should also be tied back for school. 

If you have any queries then do get in touch by e-mailing the school office or catching me after school.

Many thanks, 
Mrs Allen

Recommended Book List Year 3

Webber Class 2023 - 2024

The Deep - Part 1

We really enjoyed our magical Alice in Wonderful Day! We loved our musical theatre session with Miss Olivia, the tasty treats we had for our Mad Hatters Tea Party were amazing, the pocket watches we made were stunning and we loved inviting our grown ups in to help us decorate cakes and biscuits ☺️

The Spring Hike was amazing particularly as we got to jump in lots of muddy puddles ☺️

The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse - What a wonderful ‘Showcase’ Year 3 and 4 performed......we were so sad when it was over!

We loved being Scientists during ‘Science Week’, we made posters, conducted an experiment about ‘Every Rock Tells a Story’ and joined Year 1 looking at our wonderful library of science books 🤩

What a wonderful time we had during ‘Reading Rocks’ week we absolutely love reading in Year 3 📚

We think our Stone Age houses we made in our Design and Technology lesson are amazing 🌟!

We learnt so much about the important features of churches during our visit to Orston Church 😊

What amazing Stone Age homework 🤩

We learnt lots about our Mental Health and how to look after it during Mental Health Week 😊

We had great fun sketching some cave drawings 🎨

The RSPB’s Big Garden Birdwatch 🐦

We went hunting for sticks, gathered mud and created our Stone Age Cave Art and we loved every minute 😍

We loved being ‘Scientists’ by planning and conducting our shadow investigation 👨‍🔬👩‍🔬

Christmas fun 🎄🎅🏻

‘Bookvent’ was a huge success - we couldn’t wait to see what books were being unwrapped each day 🎄🤩

What an amazing day we had at the Civil War Centre, Newark - we learnt so much 🌟!

We loved wearing bright colours and odd socks in support of Children in need and Anti Bullying Week 🤩

We think our clay Greek Pots look amazing 🤩

There was plenty of magic in Webber Class for Harry Potter World Book Day 🪄

What wonderful artists we are in Webber Class - we loved sketching our Greek Pots 🤩

The sun shone for our Autumn Hike ☀️
