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Year 5

Welcome to Year Five- Hockney Class

A very warm welcome to year five. I hope that the information below will be helpful. Do keep an eye on this page as you will see photos of our fun times together. 


The children in year five will receive weekly maths homework and spellings to learn every Friday. Spare copies will be kept in the homework tray in the classroom. Maths homework should be brought back before the following Friday so that it can be marked as a class and errors can then be fixed. A weekly spelling check activity will also take place every Friday morning. 

Half-termly homework projects are set at the beginning of each term. Children will be given a list of research activities to choose from, these are on the web page below. Finished projects will be shared with the rest of the class as part of their History and Science learning. 

We expect the children to read regularly at home, reading diaries are checked each Friday to ensure that they are reading at least four times a week. The children can choose a book from school or from home to read. 

We also expect the children to regularly practise their times tables at home. The children can use Times Tables Rockstars to become quicker at their times tables recall, log in details will be recorded in their reading diaries.



In year five, we love to be active. PE Days for Autumn Term 1 are Mondays and Fridays. Children should come to school in their PE kit on these days. As well as PE, we like to do a movement break each morning.


Please make sure that your child has their reading book and diary in school each day as well as a water bottle. Long hair should also be tied back for school. 

If you have any queries then do get in touch by e-mailing the school office or by catching me after school.

Many thanks, 
Mrs Johnson


Year 5 Recommended Reading List

Egyptian dance

Still image for this video

Egyptian dance

Still image for this video

Take a look at some of the fun experiences we have had so far.

Autumn Hike 2024

Rainforest animals

Forest School

Spring Hike

First Aid with the Red Cross

Autumn Hike

Spring Hike

Little Listeners at The Royal Concert Hall with Opera North

Autumn Hike

Flintham Show


Recommended Book List Autumn 22 Year 5
